Tuesday 21 February 2017

Baby Update 31 Weeks.

Hey Everyone, Welcome to todays blog, hope your enjoying my previous vlogs!

My third trimester is going good, started working full time at a movie theater, its been going good, been a good job for me since they have rushes and than slow time to relax and get my head back since I usually loose it in the chaos.

I'm 31 weeks, 3 days right now, baby girl is growing very fast, she already weights 3 lbs. which is 16 inch long. Iv been trying to be consistent with my work outs, I do 20 minute workouts, get my heart pumping, I do them on days off from work or when I have the energy to do so. In every workout I do walking, stretching, and yoga poses. Also work my legs and arms and sides with simple exercise movements. iv been keeping up with my nutrition, been eating salads, pasta dishes, oatmeal, cereal, yogurt, fruit and chicken and other type of meats. Been staying away from soft cheese, sea food. I always make sure I have a the temperature of meat before I eat it or ask for it fully cooked at a restaurant. Iv been staying away from coffee, just had it twice this month, that's all.

Iv been reading simple reading kids books, and listening to kids audio books as well, the baby moves around a lot when I do this which is an amazing feeling. I put headphone on my stomach about two weeks ago and put classical music on and the baby was moving around a lot when that happen, she can hear pretty much any sound I can hear, not sure if just as much or more.

I haven't had sickness through this trimester so far, just been very forgetful, tired and occasional headaches.

I haven't purchased any nursery items yet or clothing, that will be for the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy, Iv been looking in to it though.

Having a family baby shower this weekend, which I'm very excited about. and having my own in march.

the last 6 weeks ill be also putting together my baby bag for the hospital and a bag for myself, ill write a blog on this with what I'm bringing for that.

Talk to you soon! sorry iv been M.I.A, iv been working a lot, like every day.

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